Natal Midlands
R4980,00Oil on Canvas
50 x 50 cm
Sometimes gazing across the ocean is a very therapeutic experience. Feeling the sand between your toes, the waves lapping or crashing (as in South Africa) you can only think of what’s in front of you.
Size: 90cm x 60cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Marriage often bring a third party into the mix , special times walking with your 4 legged friend .
Soft light in the morning on our Transkei coast is so special. Very few people, WILD Seas, and pure tranquility.
Size: 30 x 20 cm mounted 1 cm from wall, creating great shadows
Medium: oil on canvas
If you have never walked the Transkei coast, it’s a must. A time for reflection near WILD seas, and beautiful waterfalls that fall directly into the sea. If you have walked it then this will remind you of your experience
Size: 30 x 20 cm mounted 1 cm from the wall
Medium: Oil on canvas
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